This generation of young women are suffering from a severe identity crisis.
Princesses of Christ are being raised in a world where the enemy of their souls (Satan) desires to defeat them, rob them of their royal identity as Princesses and convince them they are merely paupers.
We often assume that our beautiful daughters, sisters, and friends who have grown up within the church, or in loving Christian families, are immune to these fiery lies from the enemy.
But that couldn't be further from the truth.
Now, more than ever before, our girls are being attacked with damaging messages from the enemy's camp with fierce intensity. Our girls are being taught to look to their mirrors, friends, movies, boyfriends, magazines, and social media sites to find fulfillment, purpose and identity.
The pressure to be defined by this world and conform to it's patterns of destruction, is crashing in on our girls like tidal waves. Sadly, the pressures of sin and worthlessness are toppling onto the beach of
care-free-girl-hood, and destroying sand-castles of childlike faith at such an early age.
So how do we combat this?
How do we, as parents, Aunties, teachers, grandmothers and big sisters, speak the truth into our girls, ensuring that they build a strong foundation on the reality of their Royal identity in Christ?
How do we begin teaching them what it truly means to be loved, chosen, called, and cherished by the King of Kings?
When I graduated High School, my heart was struck with a burden to teach teen girls the truth of what God's Word says about their worth and identity, which inspired me to launch Crown of Beauty Magazine. In those early years, my team and I hosted our very first Crown of Beauty conference, and we decided to open it up to all ages. We wanted everyone to come. Grandmothers, pre-schoolers, sisters and cousins; all of God's daughters to join us as we celebrated the King of Kings.
With our littlest of attendees, we invited them into a church classroom with a castle set built into the wall. As you can imagine, it was quite enchanting! Those sweet little girls sat on the edge of their seats, as they soaked in the truth of God's Word.
But then, something spectacular happened.
Elsa and Anna appeared!
The majestic sisters made a surprise appearance, and my oh my, one would've thought the Queen of England had just entered the room! There was such a reverent hush, as Anna and Elsa shared their personal testimonies about walking with Jesus (yes mam, the Snow Queen found Jesus, according to our tale!), followed by explosions of joy as the girls sang along with their favorite icons.
I watched it all with my jaw on the ground, quite wonderstruck. I knew that "Disney Princesses" had quite the spell on little ones...but I don't think I realized the fullness of the influence these characters have when it comes to shaping the way this generation of girls thinks about life, romance, gender roles, purpose, dreams, passion, and beauty.
It was in that moment, my wheels started to turn.
"What if?" I thought, "What if we could reach this generation of young ones right now? What if we didn't have to wait until High School, when the world is bombarding them from every direction? What if they could learn lessons of virtue and value from their favorite storybooks, and realize that these Princess Principles are timeless truths they can carry in their hearts for the rest of their lives?"

Fast forward several years, and I connected with my amazing friend, Xandria. She too carried a similar vision in her heart: creating a resource to teach little ones Biblical truths, with online learning videos, targeted specifically toward homeschoolers!
We've been working on this idea for almost two years now, and last weekend we officially launched our first four courses at the Teach Them Diligently homeschool conference in Pigeon Forge, TN!
It was such a blast connecting with moms, hearing their stories, and seeing the sheer delight on little girls' faces as they got to interact with some of their favorite Princesses!
I thought it would be fun to share an overview of the courses we're offering, that way if you happen to know any parents of little ones in your life that might be interested, you can pass them on! :)

Sleeping Beauty Unit Study
~This curriculum was designed for Preschool and Kindergarten.
~Parents are encouraged to engage, read to their children, and participate in activities. ~A "Go at Your Own Pace" layout means that you can work through each lesson's activities as quickly, or as slowly as you'd like. Kindergarteners will be able to work through the curriculum faster than pre-school, and that's totally okay! Your child should never feel rushed, and you, as the parent, should never feel "behind". ~Seven lively videos hosted by our very own "Princess" bring the magic of learning to life. Your daughter will enjoy laughing, learning, and singing along with her "Princess Teacher"! ~Our layout includes lessons, assignments and activities revolving around our featured Princess in this unit, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)! This thoughtful mix of videos, activities, crafts, lessons, games, language arts and math connections, all serve to lay a solid foundation for delighting little hearts with a life-long love for learning! ~Our suggested reading list, additional crafts, games, and printables can be used as desired. This rich roundup of resources will provide further opportunity to dive in deeper or spend as long on a topic as desired. Wanna take a look? Here's an overview of our Unit Lesson Plans, along with a PDF sample preview :)

Ballet with Beauty - Ballet 1
Do you have a little one in your life who loves the idea of becoming a ballerina? Check out this sweet dance class with easy-to-follow-along video lessons led by a Princess!
This course also includes worksheets, bonus activities, and a special ballet certificate of completion!

Rapunzel's Art Class
Who wouldn't want to do arts and crafts with Rapunzel!? This lively video course is perfect for any little girl who loves Princesses and hands-on activities!
What I love about the ballet and art course, is they're perfect for non-homeschoolers as well. They make such a fun gift for busy moms and their daughters!

Last, but most definitely not least, I am SO excited about our American Girl inspired Unit Study for girls ages 8+!
Rebecca Rubin was a Russian Jewish immigrant living in New York City in the early 1800's. In this unit, we dive into so many fun topics!
I think one of my favorite things about this study, is that in addition to the video lessons, it's very much student-led! The simple, easy-to-follow Lessons Checklist invites each student to take ownership of her learning, dive deeper into the topics that interest her most, and truly turn learning into an unforgettable adventure!
Growing up, I LOVED the classic American Girl books! These stories gave me a deep love for history, and I love that they're still doing the same for young girls today!
I can only imagine how excited I'd be if my mother came home one afternoon and told me that I got to do "American Girl" school...like, AHH, how amazing would that be?! American Girl fans are going to love this course! Here's a peak inside the Student Guide. :)
Well, there you have it friends! A little look at one of my newest projects! What do you think about all these fun courses? Do you wish you could've had some of these as a kid? Which course looks like the most fun? Let me know in the comments section! :)
I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. God has used your work in my life as a teen and young adult… I can only imagine how He will use this for the tiny princesses in our lives. When can I buy it?