"Arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue, and this mighty sword of truth. For these weapons of righteousness will triumph over evil." "Thou sword of truth fly swift and sure. That evil die and good endure!" -Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty

As a lifelong Disney fan, there are a few things you need to know about me. Cinderella was probably in the top-twelve words I first learned to speak as a toddler. My parents freely, trustingly, and oh-so-graciously welcomed you into our home every day of my little pre-school life. I consumed endless hours of your whimsical fairytales, basking in pixie dust, learning to fly with Peter Pan. I had unforgettable adventures in London with 101 Dalmatians and sang my way through Paris with The Aristocats.
My first trip to Cinderella’s castle in Walt Disney World as a wide-eyed five-year-old was laced with happy memories and doused in what we Disney fans so lovingly refer to as, “Magic”. It’s a powerful, euphoric, nostalgic feeling that overwhelms me, even dozens of years later, when I step foot in the Disney parks or hear one of my favorite classic tunes. The goosebumps come, along with the tears, as once again I’m transported to my childhood living room with Peter Pan, rewinding those old VHS tapes again and again.
Because of these things–my history, memories, and my hard-earned consumer dollars spent on all-things-House-of-Mouse–I feel the need to speak up. To remain silent, right now, and not make my voice heard, would give the impression that I am somehow in agreement with what’s been happening within this company; and that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The media firestorm swirling about that so-called “Don’t Say Gay Bill”, (which, by the way, how did it get such a misleading nickname? If we were to slow down and take a moment to research what’s actually within this bill, we might be surprised) has shone the spotlight on a changeable-Charlie (who goes by the name of Bob), giving into pressure from a leftist mob.
The polarizing statements released, followed by a dramatic “apology” for not catering to the heated opinions of a certain community that likes to identify themselves with a good chunk of the alphabet, left many of us watching this showdown with our jaws on the floor.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis chose to take a stand for parental rights within the public school system. This bill ensures the protection of parent’s God-given role to remain actively involved in their children’s lives; choosing when, where, and how they wish to discuss matters of sexuality with their children.
I, for one, am not aware how this could possibly be seen as a “human rights issue”, or an “attack” against those who wish to change their gender or refer to themselves as someone who identifies with the LGBTQ tribe. The bottom line is that these types of conversations are not appropriate for the classroom, and if small children at the age of five or six truly wish to explore such notions, that should be between them and their parents–not a school board purposing to place a wedge between parent and child.

After listening to the harrowing story of January Littlejohn (Please watch this short video for the full story) I was appalled and disgusted by the idea that a parent be told they could only attend such a meeting discussing a plan made in secrecy with the school to alter her daughters sexuality if her child gave consent to do so. Um, excuse me? On what planet is that EVER okay?
Disney, to say that I’m disappointed would be a gross understatement. Your support and glaringly blatant attack against the rights of parents within the public school system is truly horrifying. Taking such a bold stance on this topic, causes me to wonder if there’s more at work here…if something far more sinister lies beneath the surface.
Why would a corporation historically known as a “family company”, be working so hard to destroy the God-given design of marriage and family? Why would you be so adamantly passionate about exposing young children to confusion and mental abuse?
That alone, is enough to make my blood boil.
When I think about the most famed of Disney villains; Captain Hook, Cruella De Ville, Mother Gothel…it’s quite terrifying to realize that similar characters are working within the Walt Disney company, determined to lie, manipulate, and masquerade with false claims to innocence.

Several weeks ago, there was a huge trafficking bust in Florida, including four Disney workers arrested.
It’s incredibly disturbing when ADULTS become obsessed, angry, and adamant about “educating” small children on sexuality. That reality alone should cause some serious, SERIOUS red flags to be raised.
Disney. Choosing to come after our children, to attack their innocence, villainize their parents for wishing to keep them sheltered just a few years longer, and caving to the voices of confused adults who don’t even comprehend the fullness of what they’re demanding–you’ve crossed the line.
Ariel learned what happens when a voice gets stolen. Moana discovered the importance of resisting that “mob” mentality and standing up for truth. Pocahontas risked her life for the innocent. Mulan picked up her sword. Cinderella forgave her trespassers. Rapunzel learned to discern the madness behind Mother Gothel’s lies. Peter Pan defeated Hook. Jasmine dethroned an illegal usurper. Prince Phillip released the sword of truth and defeated the fire-breathing dragon.
Perhaps the most ironic thing about this story, is that Disney has already prophesied their own ending.
The villains always lose. And righteousness always wins.
Night after night within the Magic Kingdom, a story is told.
It’s boldly projected upon Cinderella’s castle; music playing, crowds cheering,
And these words of truth prevail:
Evil fails, and righteousness endures.

Every sick, hell-bent, perverted agenda cannot win.
This reality is etched into every stone of Cinderella’s castle.
Try as you may,
Shout and carry on as loud as you wish,
This company can never get away…
From the truth.
Unless you tear down that castle, brick by brick, cinder by cinder,
And attempt to erase the memories.
To remove Aurora, Cinderella, and Mulan from the heartbeat of your history…
The truth will always be there.
Staring you in the face.
Day after day.
Year after year.
The victory has already been declared.
Sword of truth fly swift and sure,
That evil fails, and TRUTH endures.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I was aware of the things Disney was pushing but I had not seen that video about the mom explaining the situation with her daughter. Just a horrible situation. Thank you for standing up and being bold.