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Livy's Library

Creating pure and lovely reads for Christian, teen girls.                                      {Philippians 4:8}


Secrets of Royalty - 31 Day Devotional

Welcome to the Worthlessness Camp.

A nightmarish place where helpless captives are held by chains. Here, an orphaned girl grows tired of her tears and desires to escape from the place of her fears. But the powers of darkness are far too strong for her.

Suddenly, a glimmer of hope is seen on the horizon. Who is this Prince on a white horse, galloping in to save the day?

As you dive into this allegorical fairy-tale, experience the relentless love of a passionate Prince, who rescues this helpless captive and sweeps her into the royal courts of His Kingdom. But happily ever after has not yet arrived, and this grand rescue is only the beginning.
Does this orphan have the makings of a Princess inside of her? Will she become everything the Prince says she can be, and rule by His side? Or will the wicked villain continue to control her mind, her heart, and destroy her destiny?

As you travel throughout this story, you'll uncover the hidden Secrets of Royalty and rediscover what it truly means for you to be a Chosen Daughter of the Most High King! Following this epic tale is a 31 Day Devotional that will powerfully transform the way that you think about yourself, your relationship with God, and the world around you!

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