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7 Royal Writing Tips








from Disney's Princess Diaries


What can we learn, as writers, from examining various Disney tales? Well, sharpen your sparkly pencils and hold onto your tiara’s, because we’re about to find out! Today we’re going to look at Disney’s Princess Diaries!


How to Start a Blog

One of the most frequent emails I receive in my inbox is, “What did you use to build your blog? How can I start a blog? I would love to start a blog, but I have no idea where to begin!”


I started blogging and building websites back in 2013, and I’ve seen so many amazing blessings come from it! I’ve meet incredible friends, traveled, hosted conferences, written books, built a platform to share my books, and have even built an online business: all from yup, you guessed it, blogging!


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Royal Reviews

​“This book was so cute! The characters are priceless and unique, the premise is lovely, and the faith-filled themes cut right to the heart. A must-read for fans of sweet, thoughtful, Christian romance with a touch of royal sparkle!”

“Wow, where do I even begin? I am completely in love with this story. It holds every element that a great story should embody. In this story, Livy presents well-developed characters, action, romance, plot twists, and faith. I fell in love with the writing style and story fabrication right away.” 

Abbie Emmons

YA author of 100 Days of Sunlight 


Amazon Reviewer

Grab it on Amazon!

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